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Job Opportunity

Are you motivated? Do you want to make a difference at work?

We are always looking for motivated, enterprising people.
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We are currently looking for these job profiles:


We believe that company training is strategic to our growth and competitiveness.

As proof, we held 12 courses, for a total of 400 hours of training in 2021-2022. Since the early 2000s we have continuously invested in training processes involving all employees and management, starting from constantly verifying the need for both hard skills and soft skills. The latter are of a relational nature, and are essential when managing teams and initiating production and service innovation processes.

Training bodies

We primarily rely on CIS and other training bodies for this service, depending on the areas of expertise.

Three macro areas

There are three macro training areas based on the premise that each of us can bring about innovation, and they all involve soft skills.

This training is highly valuable and is aimed at all production-measurement personnel, with continuous training programs for both reskilling and upskilling. The internal trainers are area managers. External trainers may be partners producing grinding machines which, in addition to training, provide coaching aimed at full autonomy in programming and managing new machines, robotic systems and production processes.
Specific training on business organization, human resource and team management, time management, company reorganization. Area managers are involved through very effective one-to-one training carried out by external trainers.
This training is focused on managerial skills and on the digital transformation of business processes, with specific activities of reorganization of some departments, implementation of new indicators and data monitoring through Business Intelligence. Through group or individual training, it is carried out by external trainers.