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Network of companies

Rettifica Corghi also operates in international markets through PRECISIONET, an industrial solution partner consisting of a network of subcontracting companies in the mechanical and electronic software and hardware sectors. Rettifica Corghi was one of the founding companies in 2012: the aim is to bring together the outstanding design, production and service of the individual organisations and internationalise them.

300 years of know-how

With Precisionet, we offer international customers an entire quality subcontracting chain, with 300 years of industrial know-how held by the 5 precision machining, metalwork and electronic manufacturing companies, and about 30 trusted subcontractors. All of the companies are in the Motor Valley, an area dedicated to automotive and agricultural mechanical engineering.

A single contact point, with a complete supply chain for the industry

Quality supply chain and customised services

The complete supply chain gives customers the benefit of not having to deal with a multitude of processes and services: first of all, purchasing raw materials, managing, analysing and auditing subcontractors; transforming semi-finished products into complete assemblies, high-precision mechanical parts or heavy structural metalwork; managing heat and surface treatments for finishing and protection. It also covers the study, development and programming of smart electronic parts, traceability of each individual product, assembly, and functional testing of semi-finished products, special and dedicated packaging, delivery in Kanban, JIT or as required.

Benefits of the network

One-stop shop

Precisionet offers access to all the components you need, with the benefit of not having to test and audit single organisations with the associated transaction costs.

Innovation and flexibility

Each company implements innovative processes and systems, in addition to the structural and manufacturing flexibility provided by outsourcing, JIT, lean production, and similar strategies.


300 years of industrial know-how combined with extreme specialisation make us an SME for precision mechanical engineering, metal fabrication, and electronics, including hardware and software.

Extensive product assortment

We offer finished and semi-finished products for your production flow; we can also provide design/co-engineering, prototyping, feasibility studies, manufacturing, and customer service…